I added two new blueprints to plone.app.transmogrifier: plone.app.transmogrifier.reindexobject which allows to reindex an existing object in the portal_catalog and plone.app.transmogrifier.userconstructor which allows to add users to the portal.

collective.transmogrifier is a configurable pipeline, aimed at transforming content for import and export.

plone.app.transmogrifier offers Plone blueprints for collective.transmogrifier pipelines.

Indexing section

A ReindexObject section allows you to reindex an existing object in the portal_catalog. ReindexObject sections operate on objects already present in the ZODB, be they created by a constructor or pre-existing objects.

The ReindexObject blueprint name is plone.app.transmogrifier.reindexobject.

UserConstructor section

A UserConstructor section allows you to add users to the portal.

The UserConstructor blueprint name is plone.app.transmogrifier.userconstructor.
