I have released a new captcha widget/field for z3c.form in Plone. Unlike other captcha fields that are based on images, this captcha is based on a predefined list of questions and answers.


collective.z3cform.norobots provides a “human” captcha widget based on a list of questions/answers.

The widget is based on z3c.form.TextWidget.


  • tested with Plone 3.3.2
  • plone.app.z3cform


Just a simple easy_install collective.z3cform.norobots is enough.

Alternatively, buildout users can install collective.z3cform.norobots as part of a specific project’s buildout, b y having a buildout configuration such as:

eggs =
zcml =

In portal_setup, apply the profile collective.z3cform.norobots:default.

Add a new question

In the Plone Property Sheet “norobots_properties” (portal_properties/norobots_properties), add a new property:

  • Name: The question id (ex: “question4”)
  • Value: your_question::the_answer (ex: “What is 10 + 12 ?::22”)
  • Type: string


You can use this widget setting the “widgetFactory” property of a form field:

from zope import interface, schema
from z3c.form import interfaces, form, field, button, validator
from plone.app.z3cform.layout import wrap_form

from collective.z3cform.norobots.i18n import MessageFactory as _
from collective.z3cform.norobots.widget import NorobotsFieldWidget
from collective.z3cform.norobots.validator import NorobotsValidator

class INorobotsForm(interface.Interface):
    norobots = schema.TextLine(title=_(u'Are you a human ?'),
                               description=_(u'In order to avoid spam, please \
                                               answer the question below.'),

class NorobotsForm(form.Form):
    fields = field.Fields(INorobotsForm)
    fields['norobots'].widgetFactory = NorobotsFieldWidget

# wrap the form with plone.app.z3cform's Form wrapper
NorobotsFormView = wrap_form(NorobotsForm)

# Register Norobots validator for the correponding field in the IContactInfo interface
validator.WidgetValidatorDiscriminators(NorobotsValidator, field=INorobotsForm['norobots'])

For more information see the example contact_info.py in the plone_forms directory in the package.

Integrated in a join form:

With an error: